22.09.2025 (Monday)
10.00 – 16.00
IGKM technical conference "Modern tram communication - current challenges"
Chamber of Commerce for Public Transport
Apart from Amberexpo - notifications apply
Contact: Marcin Zawadka, marcin.zawadka@igkm.pl , tel. 576 604 606, 22 848 21 01 ext. 106
13.00 – 18.00
"Cyber security in rail transport, requirements of the KSC Act, threats, challenges as well as teams/organizations and their actions"
Association for the interoperability and development of rail transport
Amberexpo, 1st floor room No. 2 - applications apply
Contact: uglilzenia@sirts.pl , Karolina Hendler-Michalak, tel. 665 674 880
RBF evening. Joint celebration of the 30th anniversary of Igtl and the 25th anniversary of RBF
Railway Business Forum, House of Commerce for Land Transport
Apart from Amberexpo - invitations apply
Contact : Piotr Faryna, Railway Business Forum railway forum, Piotr.faryna@rbf.net.pl, Maciej Gładyga, maciej.gladyga@igtl.pl
23.09.2025 (Tuesday)
11.00 – 11.30
Opening ceremony and debate
TRAKO Program Council
Amberexpo, free admission
11.30 – 13.00
Debate of opening "Competitiveness and financing of railways in the EU"
TRAKO Program Council
Amberexpo, free admission
14.00 – 15.30
Conference "High Speed Railway Poland 2025" (TRAKO Editionion)
Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Republic of Poland and the Prokolej Foundation
The "High Speed Railways" conference is scheduled for September 23, 2025. Together with the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Communication, the Republic of Poland will apply to the topics of high speeds and their development in Poland. During the event, the latest technologies related to high speed railways in Europe and the world will be presented, development potential and the possibility of implementing new technologies in cooperation with domestic railway rolling stock manufacturers. The event in general includes a concentrated summary and continuation of the discussion inaugurated at the two -day, international conference "High Speed Railway Poland", which took place in October 2024 in Łódź. During the event there will be an international debate, which is part of the broader promotion of the High Speed Railway Building Program in Poland. It is also an opportunity to present practical experiences from similar projects implemented on European and global railway markets, in which HSR (HSR) (High Speed Rail) has been built and successfully exploited for many years. The event was planned in a bilingual form, i.e. in Polish and English through a live simultaneous translation.
Details and registration: https://kolej365.pl/hsr2025/
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 2 - free admission
Contact: Hanna Szary, hana.szary@sitkrp.org.pl, tel. 506 116 966, Kamil Sikora, k.sikora@prokolej.org , tel. 608 256 822
15.45 – 17.15
Debate "How can artificial intelligence and digitization improve the efficiency of railway operations?"
SP Tech Solutions
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 4 - free admission
Contact: Adrian Mól, adrian.mol@sptech.pl , tel. 501 006 872
15.45 – 17.15
Meeting of the National Section of the SITK RP
Association of Engineers and Technicians of Communication of the Republic of Poland
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 2 - closed meeting
Contact: hanna gray, hana.szary@sitkrp.org.pl, tel. 506 116 966
15.45 – 17.15
Implementation of digital couplings in freight transport - how, when, for whose money? "
Institute of Railway, Chamber of Commerce for Land Transport
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a - free admission
Contact: Renata Barcikowska, rbarcikowska@ikolej.pl
24/09/2025 (Wednesday)
10.30 – 12.00
International debate "Rail Freight Forum"
Prokolej Foundation
The international commodity debate "Rail Freight Forum" is a permanent point opening the second day of TRAKOSTUDY program. The event, scheduled for September 24, 2025, will concern the prospects for the development of rail freight transport. In the upcoming editionion, the Cargo market will be presented in the context of economic conditions and activities that should strengthen the competitive position of the railway.
The "Rail Freight Forum" program will include the presentation of the report "Goods on the Torah", program speech and a discussion panel, to which representatives of railway organizations and carriers representing the largest transport markets of Europe will be invited. The whole will be conducted in Polish and English using a simultaneous translation.
Details and registration: https://kolej365.pl/rff-2025/
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a
Contact: Kamil Sikora, k.sikora@prokolej.org, tel. 608 256 822
10.30 – 12.00
Debate "Passenger is the most important"
PKP SA, Association of Local Government Railway Carriers
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1c - free admission
10.30 – 12.00
Debate "The role of transport and logistics in the new geopolitical environment - debate of the leaders of Polish logistics"
The Chamber of Commerce for Land Transport, the Center for EU Transport Projects
The role of transport and logistics in a new geopolitical environment - debate of the leaders of Polish logistics
Issues to discuss:
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 2 - free admission
Contact: Maciej Gładyga, maciej.gladyga@igtl.pl , tel. 601 370 359
10.30 – 13.00
Seminar "High speeds and distributed energy sources"
SEP electric traction section
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 3 - admission free
Contact: Piotr Zagozdon, Zgozdon@wp.pl , tel. 606 980 695, Andrzej Liszewski, Andrzejla@gmail.com , tel. 607 641 998
12.15 – 13.45
Session with presentations HSR PL 2025 "High Speed Railway Poland 2025" TRAKO Editionion Session: Designing railway infrastructure using BIM
Association of Engineers and Technicians of Communication of the Republic of Poland, National Association of Designers and Engineers
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a - free admission
Contact: hanna gray, hana.szary@sitkrp.org.pl , tel. 506 116 966
12.15 – 13.45
Obstacles and difficulties in the development of intermodal transport in Poland - is Modal Shift possible
Polish Chamber of Forwarding and Logistics
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 1b - free admission
Contact: Juliusz Skurewicz, pisil-waw@pisil.pl
12.15 – 13.45
Debate/Conference: State of Rail Safety
Office of Rail Transport
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 2 - free admission
Contact: Paweł Rafalski, pawel.rafalski@utk.gov.pl , tel. 22 749 15 44
12.15 – 15.30
V Infrastructure debate: financing of infrastructure as well as research and development programs and implementation programs against the background of today's challenges for railways in Europe: security and reindustrialization
Ministry of Infrastructure, PKP SA, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA, Chamber of Land Transport, Railway Institute
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1c - free admission
Financing of infrastructure as well as research and development programs against the background of today's challenges for railways in Europe: security and reindustrialization
Contact: Ministry of Infrastructure, katarzyna.kobylinska@mi.gov.pl; The Chamber of Land Transport, maciej.gladiga@igtl.pl; PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA, gabriela.juszczuk@plk-sa.pl; PKP SA, zakolóba.faderewska@pkp.pl; Institute of Railway, dadamska@ikolej.pl
14.00 – 15.30
Debate "Co -financing of EU transport projects - plans, challenges and threats"
Center for EU Transport Projects
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 2 - free admission
Contact: Justyna Gawron, jvron@cupt.gov.pl , tel. 532 438 012, Aleksandra Smolińska, asmolinska@cupt.gov.pl , tel. 885 580 075
15.45 – 17.15
Debate "Technologies of the Future for Railways"
Association for the interoperability and development of rail transport
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 1c - free admission
Contact: uglilzenia@sirts.pl, Karolina Hendler-Michalak, tel. 665 674 880
25.09.2025 (Thursday)
10.30 – 12.00
An event related to the ABC railway campaign
Office of Rail Transport
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 2 - free admission
Contact: Paweł Rafalski, pawel.rafalski@utk.gov.pl, tel. 22 749 15 44
10.30 – 12.00
"Presentation of the results of the partnership of the European Rail already implemented by the research and development ecosystem PKP SA"
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a - free admission
Contact: Zbigniew Jankiewicz, zbigniew.jancewicz@pkp.pl , tel. 783 919 773
10.30 – 12.15
Session with presentations HSR PL 2025 "High Speed Railway Poland 2025", Session: Infrastructure
Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Republic of Poland, Railway Institute
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 1b, free admission
Contact: hanna gray, hana.szary@sitkrp.org.pl, tel. 506 116 966
12.15 – 13.45
Special awards ceremony "Little Gala"
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a - free admission
14.00 – 16.00
Session with presentations HSR PL 2025 "High Speed Railway Poland 2025", Session: Tabor + cyber security
Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Republic of Poland, Railway Institute
Amberexpo, 1st floor - room 1b, free admission
Contact: hanna gray, hana.szary@sitkrp.org.pl, tel. 506 116 966
22.09.2025 (Friday)
10.00 – 15.30
Job Wall with job offers, internships and internships, Amberexpo
10.00 – 15.30
Business photography - a professional photo in the CV
Amberexpo, 1st floor room No. 3
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day
10.00 – 16.00
Station / Station Talent Development Center
Gdańsk Labor Office, Amberexpo, 1st floor
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day
Contact : karion chamier-ciemińska, karion.cieminska@centrumtalenow.pl , tel. 513 096 893
10.30 – 12.00
Debate of the PKP Group Foundation
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1b
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day
10.30 – 16.00
PKP Intercity debate
PKP Intercity
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1a
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day
10.30 – 14.00
PKP Intercity debate
PKP Intercity
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 1c
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day
11.45 – 14.00
The event "Future of the Railway - What will your career look like in modern transport?"
Amberexpo, 1st floor room 2
Free admission for registered participants of the Education and Career Day